Login to Canvas here.
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Forgot Username?
Try logging in with the first letter of your first name and your entire last name (example: Charli Atlas would have catlas as the username). You may have one or more numbers at the end of your username (example: catlas1 or catlas112).
If that doesn't work, please contact the Atlas Student Help Desk at askatlas@valenciacollege.edu or 407-582-5444 to obtain your Atlas username.
Former Students
What Is Atlas?
Atlas is Valencia's online learning community that connects you to the resources you need to succeed.
Note: Note: If you are a former (inactive) Valencia College student who has not registered for classes in three or more semesters/terms, you must reapply for admission before you can access your Atlas account. Inactive students do not require an Atlas account to request official transcripts; click here for more information about requesting official transcripts. Reach out to one of our Student Support Services if you need additional assistance.
Features for Students:
- Access your Valencia College email
- Registration functions (adding/dropping/withdrawing from classes, viewing class schedule, checkning final grades, etc.)
- Pay for classes
- Check your financial aid
- Access LifeMap resources (Degree Checklist, My Financial Planner, etc.)
- Sign up for New Student Advising/Orientation
- Self-Service functions (request transcripts, run degree audit, update mailing addresses, etc.)
Features for Faculty & Staff:
- Email your advisees/students
- Post grades
- Human Resources functions (timesheets, paystubs, etc.)
Atlas Tutorials
Need help navigating Atlas?
Help for Faculty
To view faculty "How To's":
- Login to Atlas
- Navigate to the Faculty Tab
- "How To" guides are in the Faculty Support Channel
Need Login Help?
Credit Students: Contact the Atlas Student Help Desk at 407-582-5444 Continuing Education Students: Contact Continuing Education Student Support at 407-582-6688.